Corkboard allows you to organize, keep track of, recommend and discover things that you love! It is especially helpful for people who can’t remember very well (i.e. “honey, what was that restaurant we ate at in Chicago last month? I feel like it began with a T?”). Or if you want to do something, but can’t think of any ideas—go to your Corkboard! It takes a few seconds, and you can post whatever you want to remember in an organized manner. It has helped me tremendously!
The way it works:
Post notes, places, restaurants, bars, recipes, websites, books, ANYTHING that you want to remember and save for later use (even if you haven’t been there yet!).
How to post: 1. Sign up for an account and add posts to your personal corkboard. 2. Organize it however you like into different collections. For example, I have mine organized by city—my favorite places to eat, shop, go out (and who to ask for), what dishes are good and how much they cost—anything I want to remember about the place! Corkboard adds the website, address, and phone number and saves it!
When to use it: I get this question ALL the time, “Where are some great places to eat in L.A.?” and I can never remember off the top of my head—so now, I can log on to Corkboard and I have 38 listings under LA alone (I have 95 postings already-- including cities like New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta & Las Vegas!)
Other cool features: Corkboard automatically adds info from yelp with ratings, address, website, phone numbers—and basically fills in the blanks of your post with any relevant info you may need. It also searches its database to see if anyone else has posted your idea--and it pops up for you to grab. You are also able to add a photo, and a website, and even corkboard (save) others’ postings with one click of a button...and its all FREE!
For more info, check out www.corkboard.it
Here is a sample posting of mine so you know what it looks like:
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